Bursting with unhinged electricity in and out of the water, Tanner is an artist, surfer, and humanitarian of the highest caliber. When he’s not throwing buckets of spray in the lineup, you’ll find him making eclectic collages, recording movies, or giving surfboards to kids around the world with Positive Vibe Warriors - a nonprofit foundation that he started with his brothers. He lives life with his head in the clouds and a smile on his face, and we are beyond excited to have his good vibes flowing through our community.
When did you first start surfing?
I was on a boogie board at 2 years old and I remember surfing by like 4 or 5.
Over the years, your family has become iconic with the San Clemente surf scene. How has that played a role in your creativity and surfing?
The generations before ours, like the Hoffmans, Seversons, Grubby Clark, and Hobie Alter - their ethos of being in the water kind of subconsciously made it seem more doable for us to be surfers growing up. Our parents definitely pushed us more for school and not just surf, but when we started traveling more as sponsored surfers they encouraged us to take photos, write stories, and share those experiences. It just allowed us to develop this level of discovery.

Can you tell us more about your board testing project?
I got into craigslist because there’s so many boards for so cheap - and it was super fun because it felt like a scavenger hunt. It’s kind of like American Pickers for surfing, and riding these boards has really opened my mind to ride whatever. So with all these new boards I just grab something different and each time out feels like a new surf trip. Some of those old boards are magic sticks!
Can you tell us how you and your brothers started Positive Vibe Warriors?
We started PVW 10 years ago after we’d been doing these kids events to raise money for San Clemente Junior Lifeguards scholarships. PVW was a way to build off that for different kinds of projects - like board drives in Jamaica and South Africa. In total, we’ve collected around 1500 surfboards and given them to kids in countries all around the world. Giving back to surfing is a really special thing because surfing gives us so much.
What are you most curious about as a surfer and artist?
Creatively, I want to do more behind the camera - like telling more intimate stories about people surfing around the world. There are so many cool stories that inspire you to surf, and I’d love to have a part in that.
What’s your favorite surf spot?
Hawaii. I love the North Shore with all its waves and different kinds of surfers.
What’s your favorite surf film?
The Occumentary. I literally have the whole thing memorized.
What’s your favorite RAEN shades?
I love the Luxury Wig stuff. And Remmy, too.